Stray Kids’ Felix Had The Most Heartwarming Reunion With His Family When He Returned Home To Australia

Stray KidsFelix recently shared a vlog of the time he spent in Australia visiting his family on vacation and pulled at fans’ heartstrings when he reunited with his family after so long!

Stray Kids’ Felix | | @realstraykids/Instagram

In early August,  Felix and Bang Chan were able to take a short vacation back home to Australia. The pair had not visited their home country for around three years, so fans were very excited for the well-deserved break!

The pair both shared photos and even went live during their time there.

While Bang Chan’s vlog was shared a few weeks ago, fans have finally been rewarded with Felix’s after patiently waiting. The 15-minute video begins with Felix expressing his excitement about returning home and actually admitting that he was a bit nervous!

Once he lands in Australia, the first people to greet him are his mother and sister, who are waiting at the airport to pick him up. The three share a long hugs that hits viewers right in the feels!

Felix actually shares that they will be surprising his youngest sister, who has no idea that he is in Australia visiting!

He successfully surprises her, causing her to burst into tears as the two share multiple hugs. Felix finds the situation hilarious as he comforts his little sister, who shares she really had no idea that he would be coming home.

Fans have shared how happy for Felix they are and how cute and tear-jerking the reunion between him and his family members, especially his little sister, was!

Check out his full vlog below!

from Koreaboo

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